1.3. English proverbs with verbs in the Present Indefinite Tense
1. Pay attention to the forms of the third person singular of the verbs in the Present Indefinite Tense In the following proverbs and sayings. Give their Russian/Ukrainian equivalents.
1. Laughter Is the best medicine. 2. Nothing flies Into the mouth of a sleeping fox. 3. A rolling stone gathers no moth. 4. The exception proves the rule. 5. After dinner comes the reckoning. 6. Many a little makes a mickle. 7. A bad penny always comes back. 8. Every bullet has its billet. 9. He who laughs last laughs longest. 10. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. 11. Nothing succeeds like success. 12. Custom makes things easy. 13. Time flies. 14. Silence gives consent. 15. Charity begins at home. 16. Extremes meet. 17. A great ship asks deep waters. 18. The bait hides the hook. 19. All is well that ends well. 20. Short acquaintance brings repentance. 21. The weakest goes to the wall. 22. The customer is always right. 23. Distance lends enchantment to the view.
2. Complete the following proverbs and sayings. Use the Present Indefinite Tense. Consult the reference list below.
1. Prosperity makes friends, but... 2. The tongue is not steel, yet ... 3. Everything comes to him ... 4. Handsome is as ... 5. He travels the fastest... 6. The dogs bark, but... 7. He dances well ... 8. It never rains but ... 9. What one loses on the swings ... 10. He laughs best ... 11. As the fool thinks so ... 12. Score twice before ... 13. We soon believe what we ...
(you cut once, we desire, adversity tries them, the bell clinks, who laughs last, it cuts, one makes up on the roundabouts, who waits, handsome does, it pours, who travels alone, to whom fortune pipes, the caravan goes on)
3. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings concentrating on the use of the Present Indefinite Tense. Use (1) and (2) as a key.
1. Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь. 2. Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить. 3. Чего хочется, тому верится. 4. Молчание—знак согласия. 5. От судьбы не уйдешь. (Пуля виновного найдет). 6. Собака лает, ветер носит. 7. Беда одна не приходит. (Пришла беда — отворяй ворота). 8. Под лежачий камень вода не течет. 9. Что потеряешь в одном, выиграешь в другом. (Что вы теряете на качелях, вы приобретаете на каруселях). 10. Слабых бьют. 11. Успех способствует успеху. 12. Крайности сходятся. 13. С новым другом недолго и в беду попасть. (Не всякий встречный—друг сердечный; старый друг лучше новых двух). 14. Кому счастье служит, тот ни о чем не тужит. 15. Терпение и труд все перетрут. (Кто ждет, тот дождется) 16. Своя рубашка ближе к телу. (Благотворительность начинается дома; хочешь быть благодетелем, начинай с собственного дома). 17. Лучше всех смеется тот, кто смеется последним. 18. Нет правил (а) без исключения. (Исключение подтверждает правило). 19. Человека дела красят. 20. Большому кораблю большое плавание. 21. Кому на месте не сидится, тот добра не наживет. 22. Расстояние придаеточарование.
4. Memorize the following proverbs paying attention to the unrestrictive use of the Present Indefinite Tense. Give their Russian/Ukrainian equivalents using (5) as a key
1. Familiarity breeds contempt. 2 Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 3 Fortune favours the bold (the brave). 4 Success has many friends. 5. Practice makes perfect. 6 An apple a day Keeps the doctor away. 7 Necessity is the mother of invention. 8 Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools by their own. 9 Praise makes good men better and bad men worse. 10. Coming events cast their shadows before. 11. Appetite conies with eating. 12. Birds of a feather flock together. 13. Charity begins at home 14. Curses like chickens come home to roost. 15. Empty vessels make the greatest noise. 16. Every cook praises his own broth. 17 Fine feathers make fine birds. 18. Little strokes fell great oaks. 19 One nail drives out another. 20. After dinner comes the reckoning.
5. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings Concentrate on the use of the Present Indefinite Tense Use (4) as a key
1. Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. 2. Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить. 3 Съедай по яблоку в день и обойдешься без врачей. 4 Аппетит приходит во время еды 5 Пустая бочка пуще гремит. 6 У победы много родителей. (Поражение всегда сирота). 7 Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. 8. Не рой другому яму, сам в нее попадешь. (Как аукнется, так и откликнется).
6. Make the following conditional clauses into proverbs by completing them. Consult the reference list below.
1. If the sky falls ... 2. If you sing before breakfast ... (If you laugh before breakfast ...) 3. If you run after two hares ... 4. If a man deceives me once ... , if he deceives me twice ... 5. If one sheep leaps over the ditch ... 6. If the blind leads the blind ... 7. If you cannot bite ... 8. If you swear ... 9. If the cap fits ...
(you will catch no fish, never show you teeth, all the rest will follow, we shall catch larks, you will cry before supper, shame on him, shame on me, both shall fall into the ditch, wear it, you will catch neither)
7. Express the idea of the following by using suitable proverbs and sayings with the Present Indefinite Tense form of the verb predicate. Consult the reference list below.
1. One likes a person better when one has been away from him for a long time; one forgets the less attractive things about a person. 2. A person who suffers sudden misfortune in his life is forced to become connected with people whom he would not usually meet or talk to. 3. People who have the same interests, ideas, etc., are attracted to each other and stay close together (often derog.). 4. To profit from or take advantage of something while one has the chance. 5. The same accident or misfortune cannot happen twice to the same person in the same situation. 6. A person who frequently changes his job, place of living, etc., will not become successful or wealthy. 7. Being cheerful helps a person to forget his troubles and worries. 8. The person who is victorious at the end of the game, competition, argument, etc., has won a more lasting victory than the person who has won a small victory during its progress (used as a warning against expressing delight or satisfaction too soon). 9. A person's worth should be measured by his actions not by what he seems to be; a person is good if he is good to others. 10 If a person disagrees with something, or is unwilling to do as requested, he usually says so. If he makes no protest at the time, we assume that he has no objection. 11. The person who is so careful that he never makes a mistake is unlikely to achieve anything of real value. 12. A sharp tongue wounds. If you do not wish to hurt people's feelings, do not speak too harshly. 13. If the statement, remark, etc., about someone is true, then he must accept it. 14. For ever, endlessly; for an immeasurable period. 15. The person who knows how to wait patiently rather than hastily attempts to fulfil his desires will be rewarded in the end by getting all that he wishes for. 16. It is unwise to form a general opinion or judgement on the basis of a single event, remark, etc, e. g. a person should not think that because he has had one success all his troubles are over. 17. When one suddenly becomes very rich or successful. 18. When an opportunity to do a thing on which you have set your heart suddenly arises you should take full advantage of it, for you may never get another chance. 19. Bad news nearly always reaches us more quickly than good news. 20. People whose mental abilities are not fully developed get satisfaction from doing childish things (used to express one's scorn for someone who is behaving in a silly and childish manner). 21. Life does not consist completely of pleasure, happiness, enjoyment, etc. 22. It is the hook that catches the fish, but it is the bait that tempts it to take the hook into its mouth The moral is: beware of an attractive offer, for there is very likely to be a catch in it. 23. It is the end that matters, making up for previous failures and disappointments. Only by doing a thing again can you attain an efficiency.
All's well that ends well; the tongue is not steel, yet it cuts; practice makes perfect custom makes things easy, he who makes no mistakes makes nothing, the bait hides the hook; silence gives consent; life is not all beer and skittles; handsome is as (that) handsome does; little things please little minds; he who laughs last, laughs longest; bad news travels fast, laughter is the best medicine, when one's ship comes home, a rolling stone gathers no moth; make hay while the sun shines; when one's ship comes home; lightning never strikes twice in the same place, birds of a feather flock together; till the cows come home; opportunity seldom knocks twice; adversity makes strange bedfellows; one swallow doesn't make a summer; absence makes the heart grow fonder; everything comes to him who waits
Check your knowledge of English proverbs with verbs in the Present Indefinite Tense
Give the standard form of each of the proverbs in the sentences below going by the allusions given in bold type. Translate into Ukrainian.
Variant 1
1. It was true that Goodwood had at times grimly wished he were dead and would have liked to kill him, but Osmond had no means of knowing this, for practice had made the younger man perfect in the art of appearing inaccessible today to any violent emotion. (H James) 2. "You are not feeling ill, are you?" he asked .. "Anyhow, you ought to go and see a doctor", said Henry. "A doctor a day keeps the jim-jams away", he added heartily ... 3. We often notice, and I think it's common experience, that when the children get beyond ten or twelve, the fondness for them begins to assume another form. 1 suppose it's really the commercial possibilities of the child making themselves felt. When money comes in at the door, disinterested love seems to move towards the window. I suppose it's natural, but it's awfully sad ... (J. Galsworthy) 4. The countess whirled round with her usual vehemence of movement. "God in Heaven!" she cried. "It is the little man! Ah! but he has the nine lives of a cat!" (A. Christie) 5. "I can't bear to tear myself away from the fun", she said, and it was clear that she really meant it. "But early to bed, you know, I'm sure I could do with a lot more wealth", she added with a sigh. (A. Wilson)
Variant 2
1. "I hear you've had a big success tonight, Miss Lambert". How quickly good news travelled. (W. Maugham) 2. "He's what's called a cosmopolite", Isabel suggested. "That means he's a little of everything and not much of any, I must say I think patriotism is like charity — it begins at home." (H. James) 3. She no sooner saw it than, uttering a hasty exclamation, and giving Master Dombey to the black-eyed, she started to the rescue of her unhappy little son. Surprises, like misfortunes, rarely come alone. (Ch. Dickens) 4. He put his hand on my arm gently. "Don't underestimate the Joys of the spirit, Douglas. Man does not live by caviar alone." (I. Shaw) 5. "You know," he said with an effort, "if one person loves, the other does." "Ah," she answered, "like mother said to me when I was little, "Love begets love." (D H. Lawrence)
Variant 3
1. Not that they said so much. All these doctors stick together. It's what they don't say that's significant. (D. Cusack) 2. He was so sure that Brett loved him He was going to stay, and true love would conquer all." (E. Hemingway) 3. And then there were the Displaced Persons and the men and women who had returned from the concentration camps with their grudge against those who had made hay under the Nazis (S. Heym) 4. Familiarity breeds indifference. We have seen too much pure, bright colour at Woolworth's to find it intrinsically transporting. (A. Huxley) 5. I wanted to get on with my work. I was the victim of circumstances. Every billet has its bullet, there's a fatal woman for every man. Luckily he doesn't often meet her.(J. Cary)