Бібліотека Букліб працює за підтримки агентства Magistr.ua


1. Study These Idioms and their Meanings. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.

at death's door - very near death

back on one's feet - physically healthy again

black out - lose consciousness, faint

break out - begin showing a rash or other skin disorder

breathe one's last - to die

bring around/round - restore to health or consciousness, cure

bring to - restore to consciousness, wake from sleep / anesthesia / hypnosis /

fainting etc

catch a cold - get a cold

catch one's death of cold - become very ill (with a cold, flu etc)

check-up - a periodic inspection of a patient by a doctor


1.1 Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the use of the idioms.

1. The Prime Minister was at death's door after suffering a serious stroke. 2. My mother is back on her feet again after being sick with the flu for two weeks. 3. The football player blacked out after being hit by the other player. 4. I broke out in a terrible rash after eating the raw shrimp at the restaurant. 5. The man finally breathed his last after a long illness. 6. The medical workers were able to bring the man around after the accident. 7. The woman was brought to soon after the car accident. 8. I caught a bad cold last week and had to miss three weeks of work. 9. The little boy was told to be careful in the rain or he would catch his death of cold. 10. I went to have my annual check-up last week.


1.2 Group work:

a) Student A makes up sentences with the idioms from (1); Student B translates them into Ukrainian;

b) Student C makes up sentences in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (1); Student D translates them into English;

c) Student E makes up a situation with the idioms from (1); Student F translates it into Ukrainian;

d) Student G makes up a situation in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (1); Student H translates them into English.


2. Study These Idioms and their Meanings. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.

clean bill of health - a report or certificate that a person or animal is healthy

come down with - become sick with, catch

couch doctor - a psychoanalyst who puts his patients on a couch

dose/taste of one's own medicine - being treated in the same way as one treats

others (usually a negative meaning)

draw blood - make someone bleed, get blood from someone

fall ill - become sick or ill

feel on top of the world - feel very healthy

flare up - to begin again suddenly (illness etc)

flare-up - a sudden worsening of a health condition

go under the knife - be operated on in surgery


2.1 Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the use of the idioms.

1. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health when I visited him last month. 2. My niece came down with a bad cold and was unable to visit me last week. 3. He was sent to see a couch doctor after his continued problems at work. 4. Our boss got a taste of his own medicine when people began to ignore him as he had always done to them. 5. The doctor decided to draw some blood from the patient to check up on his blood sugar level. 6. The man fell ill last winter and has not recovered yet. 7. I have been feeling on top of the world since I quit my job. 8. My mother's skin problems flared up when she started to use the new laundry soap. 9. His arthritus usually flares up every winter. 10. His wife went under the knife at the hospital last evening.


2.2 Group work:

a) Student A makes up sentences with the idioms from (2); Student B translates them into Ukrainian;

b) Student C makes up sentences in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (2); Student D translates them into English;

c) Student E makes up a situation with the idioms from (2); Student F translates it into Ukrainian;

d) Student G makes up a situation in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (2); Student H translates them into English.


3. Study These Idioms and their Meanings. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.

hang out one's shingle - give public notice of the opening of a doctor's office


have a physical (examination) - get a medical check-up

head shrinker - a psychiatrist

just what the doctor ordered - exactly what is needed or wanted

look the picture of health - be in good health

on the mend - healing, becoming better

out cold - unconscious, in a faint

over the worst - recovering from an illness

pull through - recover from a serious illness

run a temperature - have a higher than normal body temperature


3.1 Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the use of the idioms.

1. The doctor decided to hang up his shingle as soon as he finished medical school. 2. Our company sent all the employees to have a physical last week. 3. The man was told to go and see a head shrinker after he threatened the woman in the store several times. 4. A nice hot bath was just what the doctor ordered. 5. My uncle was looking the picture of health when I saw him last week. 6. My grandfather is on the mend after he broke his leg last week. 7. As soon as the patient entered the operating room he was out cold because of the anesthesia. 8. My brother is over the worst since his skiing accident last month. 9. The car accident was very bad and I don't think that the driver will pull through. 10. The little boy is running a temperature and should stay in bed all day.


3.2 Group work:

a) Student A makes up sentences with the idioms from (3); Student B translates them into Ukrainian;

b) Student C makes up sentences in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (3); Student D translates them into English;

c) Student E makes up a situation with the idioms from (3); Student F translates it into Ukrainian;

d) Student G makes up a situation in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (3); Student H translates them into English.


4. Study These Idioms and their Meanings. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.

run down - get into poor condition

run some tests - a doctor does some medical tests on a patient

splitting headache - a severe headache

take a turn for the worse - become sicker

take someone's temperature - measure someone's body temperature

throw up - vomit

under the weather - not feeling well


4.1 Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the use of the idioms.

1. He was working very hard last month and has become very run down. 2. The doctor has decided to run some tests on the patient. 3.I have been suffering from a splitting headache all morning. 4. My aunt took a turn for the worse last week and is still in the hospital. 5. The nurse took my temperature when I went to the hospital yesterday. 6. The woman threw up several times after eating the bad shellfish. 7. My boss has been feeling under the weather all week and has not come to work during that time.


4.2 Group work:

a) Student A makes up sentences with the idioms from (4); Student B translates them into Ukrainian;

b) Student C makes up sentences in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (4); Student D translates them into English;

c) Student E makes up a situation with the idioms from (4); Student F translates it into Ukrainian;

d) Student G makes up a situation in Ukrainian using Ukrainian equivalents of the idioms from (4); Student H translates them into English.


Check your knowledge of medical idioms

Choose an idiom at the bottom to replace the expression in the brackets below. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


Variant 1

1. When we arrived at the scene of the car accident the driver was (near death).

(a) hanging out his shingle (b) drawing blood (c) at death's door (d) going under the knife

2. After walking home in the rain I (became sick with) a cold.

(a) broke out in (b) came down with (c) took a turn for the worse with (d) blacked out with

3. My father is (healthy again) after his recent illness.

(a) back on his feet (b) under the weather (c) breathing his last (d) having a physical

4. Our secretary has been working too hard and is (getting into poor condition).

(a) over the worst (b) getting a splitting headache (c) back on her feet (d) becoming run down

5. Although the man was very sick I think that he will (recover).

(a) run a temperature (b) throw up (c) pull through (d) flare up


Variant 2

1. I went to the doctor last week and (got a medical check-up).

(a) ran a temperature (b) had a physical (c) felt on top of the world (d) went under the knife

2. After eating the seafood at the food court the man began to (vomit).

(a) throw up (b) pull through (c) flare up (d) break out

3. The man was forced to (go to a psychiatrist) after he killed the two women.

(a) go to a head shrinker(b) go under the knife (c) breathe his last (d) pull through

4. The trainer was quickly able to (restore to consciousness) the boxer who had fainted and fell to the floor.

(a) throw up (b) pull through (c) bring to (d) black out

5. Last night my grandmother (became sicker).

(a) went under the knife (b) felt on top of the world (c) breathed her last (d) took a turn for the worse

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